The future of Strengthen The Soul

Strengthen the Soul has always been a dream of mine. For as long as I could remember helping others has always been my passion and purpose. I set out on my journey for my career right away after high school over 10 years ago to pursue an education in social work and really have learned so much incredible life lessons through my life experiences. Throughout my life thus far, with every hardship, I’ve asked myself why me? Why me? And why me again and again. Until one day I realized, yes me!
These experiences have not been in vain and they are strengthening my soul. The very soul that has chosen to come to earth and help to heal others. Without going through everything that I have gone through, I would never be in the place I am today or would not be able to help others. I am grateful for the growth. The biggest mantra in the healing community is that you really need to heal yourself first before you can heal others and that truth is what I live by! I am the woman I am today because the hardship and heartache gave me strength and perspective. I took responsibility and healed.
So that is why this beautiful heartfelt business is called Strengthen The Soul, because I strengthened mine to help strengthen yours.

I’ve been working hard on building this business up! There are so many things I am doing that I want to share with you.

The Empowerment Workshop Event Series

my dream come true! On a larger scale, I am providing a space for my community to grow! Powerful leaders and mentors will present tools and experiences for our guests to be the best version of themselves. This series started off with a positive, beautiful energy on August 16th and will resume planning for our second one as soon as I can really get a grasp on what our word with COVID will look like. Until then, I am continuing to host my mini empowerment workshops in the park led by me and some guest co-hosts throughout the year. These Mini empowerment workshops include meditation, journal prompts and processing with like minded individuals in our community.

Empowerment Mastermind

I will be launching an empowerment mastermind class for individuals who need accountability, tools, mindset shifts, processing, community building, networking, releasing barriers to change and growth, and business mentorship! This will be a 6 week mastermind group of likeminded individuals ready to take their life to the next level. I am ready!! Are you??

Mental health and healing programs

I am launching 2 mental health and healing programs.
“From the Roots Up” and “Be Here now”

from the roots up is a program designed to help you in establishing healthy coping skills and living your life. We will begin with identifying underlying issues causing you suffering and establishing the right coping skills for you. This program is to help eliminate maladaptive behaviors we develop to survive the difficulty of life.

be here now is a program designed to help you establish mindfulness and presence in your life. Life goes by so fast and we want to truly live and soak up everything that life has to offer.

1:1 coaching and therapy

I am continuously taking 1:1 clients as I am establishing a therapy private practice that is in the works for opening sometime in 2021. Strengthen the Soul will incorporate individual therapy sessions, individual and group coaching sessions, empowerment workshop events, and meditation classes.

I can’t wait to fully launch all of these things and stay tuned!! Email me at if interested in any of my upcoming programs, coaching, and events!


It’s time to take the training wheels off


Impostor Syndrome