Impostor Syndrome
All we ever want is to have our dreams come true, be happy, and align with our authentic self. We put in so much work to get there and work hard everyday. We think we are going to be on top of the world when entering this place. AND THEN BOOM. Those negative thoughts creep in and we begin to question ourselves by giving into the negative thought patterns our brain likes to hold on to, to feel safe. We end up doubting who we are in this very moment and have an inability to internalize our own achievements. This is called impostor syndrome. We begin to question our hard work and ourselves because we can’t believe the positive and the fulfillment is real.
It’s our job to challenge those negative thought patterns and re-invent ourselves as THE NEW US. It’s in feeling that WE DESERVE the new sense of success and fulfillment that we can really challenge the impostor syndrome and those self-doubting thoughts. If you find yourself beginning to say to yourself that you can’t do this, you are not good enough, I am never going to be great, I suck, I don’t deserve this, this can’t be me, was I just lucky, this good feeling will end, this is too good to be true, I am not good at this, I am a fraud.. I want you to recognize that THESE THOUGHTS ARE IRRATIONAL AND DO NOT DEFINE YOU. You have the power to recognize this thought pattern and consistently re-wire until your success feels natural to you.
Focus on the hard work and how special you are. Each day, allow yourself to feel the feels and fight the urge to self-doubt. You are uniquely you and the more you embrace who you are and all the strengths you have, the more it will over power those negative limiting beliefs about yourself. Here is a tool and some positive affirmations to assist you in re-wiring those thoughts from negative to positive. The key is you need to be mindful of the negative thoughts and the urges to self-doubt and immediately address it.
I am worth it, I am worthy, I am authentic, I am worthy of these positive feelings, I am good enough, I am valuable, I am not giving up, I worked hard to get here, I earned this, I deserve this, I am not afraid to fail, I embrace my strengths, I am learning to love myself, I am proud of myself, I am deserving of success, I am the one who has it all, I am the one who deserves it all, I am in control of my thoughts, I am just as successful as everyone else, my needs are just as important as everyone else’s, all the good in life flows to me because I deserve it, happiness is my birthright, success is my birthright, I am living my true purpose, I am good enough all on my own, I am good enough all on my own by just being me, I no longer will accept less than I deserve, I release self-judgement, I release limiting beliefs towards myself.
I hope this blog helped! If you resonate, I want you to know that you are not alone and as always… Hope and healing are possible.