The Power of Vulnerability

Being vulnerable is powerful and takes strength and self-awareness. The judgement of society fills our heads with the idea that being vulnerable is being weak. I strongly urge you to change your perspective and not for anyone, but for yourself. Being vulnerable is necessary for positive change, growth, success. I am here to tell you that you matter and your feelings are valid and it is okay to be vulnerable. People can only understand you from their level of understanding and their perspective. We all have internal filters that things run through. Do you want to live your life for yourself or the opinion of others? Now in all fairness, I am not saying to spill your guts to everyone you meet or for the world to see. I believe in keeping private and important things for yourself which is something I learned later in life. Vulnerability is a finely tuned skill to learn. Balance is key in being vulnerable. There is beauty in embracing your emotions, your challenges, your weaknesses, and your strengths. We were all beautifully made to shine our individual light and grow from this life. There is a time to be strong and there is a time to let down your walls. You deserve to show the world who you really are. I am a firm believer in who is meant for you, will be for you and anyone who willingly leaves your life is not for you. If being transparent and vulnerable causes people to wander a stray, then let that be an indication to you that your perfect people are actively supporting you and the door is open for more amazing connections that validate who you truly are. Be real, be vulnerable, be powerful, and be you.
“vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable.” - Brene Brown


“Weed the Garden”