How to raise your vibration

Have you felt low energy lately? I have briefly broken down my tips to on how to raise your vibration when you feel stuck.

How to raise your vibration 👇🏻🌈⁣

1. Recognize immediately that being in a lower energy means you’re transitioning and working through something heavy. There is NOTHING WRONG with you. ⁣

2. Ask yourself why are you feeling this way and process the feelings swirling around in your energy. Emotions are energy in motion. Let’s shift and let’s heal. You’re not making excuses for feeling stuck AND let’s move the energy to where you feel BETTER! Let’s shift the mindset, restore your body, and align your energy. Patterns of behavior are rooted in something deeper like programming, trauma responses, and emotional dysregulation. ⁣

3. Empowerment is the foundation where we can make positive change. When we force ourselves into change, it won’t last and the intention behind it signals our energy that we just need a quick fix and eventually the patterning will go right back. You want long lasting change. To shift higher into a vibration that aligns with your desires, connect to the root of love and empowerment. ⁣

4. Embodiment sends you into truly aligning with your authentic self and truth and when we do that, we immediately shift into feeling higher energy. ⁣

5. Movement- when we move our body, we shift our energy ⁣

6. Abundance mindset versus lack mentality. When we focus on what we have a lot of, it immediately connects us to the frequency of abundance and in all forms of it. This is why gratitude is such a energy shifter because we are focusing on abundance. Feelings = Reality. ⁣

7. Emotional processing. Process what you feel and transcend! Allow yourself to rise into a new higher frequency by moving the energy from stagnant emotions to healed and processed emotions. ⁣

8. Divine connection and guidance will attune you to a higher frequency because we are all connected to it. Leaning into our source of love and light helps us move through this human experience. ⁣

If this was helpful, comment below 👇🏻 ⁣

You can find all of this information in my book titled: Safety at the Roots 🦋


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